Register now for Prognosfruit 2022
Please complete the online registration form by clicking on the button above.
Once you have completed the registration form, please proceed with the registration payment as soon as possible.
Please note that if the payment has not been received by this time you will not be permitted to enter the event. Please also note that places are limited and your participation will only be confirmed when the payment has been received.
Please make the payment by bank transfer to the following account:
Beneficiary name: WAPA
Beneficiary address: Rue de Trèves 49-51, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Bank of beneficiary: BNP Paribas Fortis
IBAN: BE13 2100 4321 2239
Please specify the purpose of the payment as follows:
“Prognosfruit – [Name of the delegate] – [Name of Company/Association]